Calendar and Schedule

  • The programme requires full-time dedication and runs for one year starting in September. Classes are mostly held in the mornings, with occasional visits scheduled at other times.
  • Course students have a shared workspace available at the university to facilitate group communication as well as to encourage transversal teamwork.
  • During the fall semester, a kick-off week, mid-term review, and final review feature cross-disciplinary educational activities designed to support the progression of the course.
  • In the spring semester, a study trip is organized to broaden students' knowledge and team work habilities.
  • The Master’s Thesis is presented and discussed during the first half of September, with students from the new cohort invited to attend the presentations of their peers from the previous year.

Fall semester 

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

City & Energy



City & Water

 City & Society



in-class group work in-class group work in-class group work in-class group work


Spring semester

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Design Studio

Design Studio

Design Studio

Design Studio

Design Studio


in-class group work

in-class group work in-class group work in-class group work in-class group work

Updated on July 10, 2024.
Organized off-campus visits may be scheduled at alternative times.
Additional activities may take place between terms.