

Adolf Sotoca

Academic Director & Director of the RUMB Chair
PhD, Serra-Húnter Associate Professor
Urbanism, Territory and Landscape


Elena Albareda

Urbanism, Territory and Landscape


Pere Fuertes

PhD, Associate Professor
Architectural Design


Pablo Garrido

PhD, Associate Professor
Architectural Technology


Kathrin Golda-Pongratz

PhD, Lecturer
Urbanism, Territory and Landscape


Jere Kuzmanić

PhD Candidate
Urbanism, Territory and Landscape


Carles Llop

PhD, Professor
Urbanism, Territory and Landscape


Fabián López

PhD, Lecturer
Architectural Technology


Magda Mària

PhD, Professor
Architectural Design


Torsten Masseck

PhD, Lecturer
Architectural Technology


Anna Pagès

Director of the AMB Reptes Chair
PhD, Associate Professor
Architectural Technology


Mariana Palumbo

PhD, Associate Professor
Architectural Technology


Marta Serra-Permanyer

PhD, Associate Professor
Theory & History of Architecture and Technical Communication